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Sunday, 5 November 2017

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU Remember Remember  the 5th of November

Like most families when it comes to shopping I find it a nightmare epically with two small children in toe, So what I am doing at the moment is setting my self a weekly budget of about £50.00 per week for my major shopping.

Being a single mum on benefits. (not universal credit) I have a fixed income that I have to work with, I also receive Health Start Vouchers which means that I have a fixed amount to spend on Milk and Vegetables per month for my family until my youngest is five.

What I am going to write about this how I have looked at shooing for less and Eating well for less over the next couple of months.

I will explore my options by using local stores that are accessible to me and also by using online options too.

So please feel free to follow my blog(s) and you tube clips.

Firstly I would like to talk about setting a budget.

The first think that I have done is set a budget for myself of £50.00 per week in order to spend on my average weekly shop. Now for me this dose not include milk and vegetables that I can uses my Health Start Vouchers to buy.

So If I manage to stick to my weekly shop of £50.00 per week then I would be spending on average of £2,600 per year on shopping. Now we both know that this is not always the case so my new Years resolution is to keep annual report on my weekly shopping budget.

So over the next two months I am going to research and aim to do this.

Now if I add my Health start Vouchers to this a mouth at £30.00 per month it helps to saves me. £360.00 per year on shopping.

So my budget to aim for on shooing per year is £3,000 if I add any unexpected buys. (Based on one adult and two children.)

Now I know how easy it is to bulk buy and think that you are getting a bargain. But STOP spit back and start from scratch.

Make a shopping list once a week of what you will need and try to stick to it, I know this is easier said than done but try and get into the habit of doing so Also split your week shooing into categories











These are just a few Ideas, because to every thing that you buy needs to be done weekly, there are some things that may only be needed monthly or annually.

So when buying things keep that in mind and also check expiration dates when buying products like food and drink. Also remember that some things this may not apply to and other items like shampoo will usually last you 6-12 months when stored correctly.

When shopping now that you have your list, look at where you could buy these items from and save money buy buying “home brands”, looking at who much things cost weight fro weight, is it really a special offer, coupons and special events.

BUT before you do any of this is IF you can claim Healthy Start Vouchers. This will save you about £360.00 per year on milk and Vegetables.

Please follow the link below for more information.

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