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Charity Number 1159682

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU A Heathy Start!

7th November 2017

Now that you have looked to see if you are entitled to Health Start vouchers, you can can a deep breath and know that you can start saving a little money on milk and vegetables which is something that everyone is encouraged to eat more of especially children.

Now it is is to think about not just not what to buy but when and where to buy.

Know what to buy but when and where to buy it.

AT this time of year a lot of people tend to spend money they do not have, the credit cards come out and we spend most of next year paying them off. WE buy way to much food and drink and things that we do not really need.

One way to avoid this would be to but gifts thought out the year and out them into storage, re-gift gifts from your re-gift box (we all have one) or just ask people what they would like, want our need.

You could also have a fixed spending budget for each person you are looking at buying for, so make a list or even do a secrete Santa.

This year both of my boys are 3 and 2 so they still do not know what Christmas really is, and so it is down to me and their dad to tell them.

Both me and their dad are not devoured Christians so we celebrate Yule instead of Christmas day. This is our choices and depending on what your family decide to celebrate should be our choice and not due to the pressure you are put on by society to conform and to celebrate Christmas Day.

Before Yule we celebrate Samhain

So before buying any thing thing about when you need to buy the items for, when you need them buy and set a budget.

So with Christmas being the next most import day fro people, I lot of people are worried with only two pay days left before the big day. Most people get paid monthly I myself get paid on the 27th November but this vairies depending on your employers payroll.

So before you can even buy any thing and whip put that credit card set a budget and also talk to out friends and family. Christmas is a time for giving, and sharing the time with friends and family. So if you are sharing Christmas Day with Friends or family make a list fro what needs buying and who is going to buy what.

Christmas usually casts of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, so if possible share the three days between your loves ones and do not share these days alone.

You could look a volunteer on these days at a homeless shelter, or with a neighbour, family, friend or something else there is still time to plans.

Now I know some people may work at lest one of those days I use to work all three before I was a mum and know I celebrate more events though out the year for a number of different reasons.

One of the main days that I celebrate is the

Winter Socstice


Speacal offers

At this time of year there area lot of special offer, But remember only buy what you really need, things like chocolates and biscuit are usually gifts that you buy for friend and family and they will usually do the same of you, so think about it. Only buy in one tin, because buy the end of Christmas I always end up with a cupboard full of sweets and treats with an expiration day of at least 6 months on them.

So look around the shops if you have time to do so go on line and remember that if you order off line to check the closing date fro postage. This will be on each website and can also be found on the Royal Mail website to.


Postage make sure you know what to post if you are posting over seas or in the UK and alslo what the closing day is for ordering on line before Christmas.

So over the next couple of weeks before pay day think about what you need, what you want and where to buy it from.

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