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Saturday, 18 November 2017

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU "Please Sir Can I Have Some More!"

18th November 2017

Please Sir can I have some more!”

I know that it may sound silly hearing these words BUT now that you have looked at setting your self a shopping budget, sorted out your benefit entitlements and the best way to shop. IT is now time to think about what to buy.

SO IF you have looked at doing one major shop like most people will do once a month and buying the “stables” when required like bead, milk, eggs, butter and cheeses.

It is time to look at buying items that you should always have in that make up the main part of any meal.

On line shopping

So if you have looked on online shopping which is some thing that I how do it pays to shop around before doing so for the best prices. Know a lot of shops on line will do an online comparison and this is something that you can do when you go into the stores.

Most store's offer an online shop with offer you insensitive shop with them BUT read the small print, most shops will have a minimum spend limit in order to get “free delivery” or deliver at a discount price.

What I have found is that it would cost me about £4.00 to go shopping and use the bus so what I look at an online delivery I try to get my shopping delivered below £4.00 and when the children are in bed.

So at the moment I am using Iceland for all of my frozen and Tesco's for my main shop. I also use ASDA fro all my baby products, Lidi for my veg and fruit and other places when required to do so.

So like most people I try to shop around and get the best bargains and have found that by setting a budget it as helped to do this.

SO if you chose to do it m=now or in the new year look at a budget and try to stick to it and also look at what shops offer the best option for the main food that you eat and buy,

What should be in your cupboard.

Now for me the following items should always be in the house at all times.
  • Oats
  • flour
  • butter
  • eggs
  • cheeses
  • tomatoes
  • salt
  • pepper
  • sausage
  • tea
  • coffee
  • pasta
  • rice
  • raisins/mixed dried fruit
  • nuts/mixed nuts
  • herbs
  • spices

Now these are the main things that I always try to have in due to the fact that if you have all of these you can make a number off different dished and survive without having to buy and other food groups especially if you are on a budget and have allow income.

I will do a page of all of the above to say why I think that they are important to have in your home at all times.

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