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Saturday, 23 December 2017

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU Tagine Spicy Stews from Morocco

Tagine Book

When I first set up my blog a mentioned the following book
Tagine Spicy Stews From Morocco
By Ghillie Basan and Martian
ISBN 978-1-84597-7

So I will be working though this book during 2018 too along with

The Microwave Kitchen Handbook
By Carol Bowen

In Tagine Spicy Stews From Morocco the contents of the book covers
The Secret of Tagines
Traditional Lamb Tagines
Beef, Kefta and Sausage Tagines
Fish and Seafood Tagines
Vegetable Tagines

Now again I would like to point out that I will go though this book and blog about how easy to was to use and to talk about the types of food you can cook in a Microwave. I will also try to still keep my budget fro shopping on a weekly basis to around the £50.00 per week.

One of the main ways that I am to do this is by planning each meal that I plan to cook my family each week.

With this book it is suitable for most dietary requirement, although this book does not cover Vegan or things like gluten free menus. I am sure that most recipes could be tailored to personal dietary requirements.

By working though this cook I will divide my weekly menu accordantly and try to work though the book so that what I cook is done in accordance to each season.

I will start using the book from the first of January 2018. I will also look at using what food I already have in the house that needs using up too.

What I will do is order off line what I need except fro my Vegetables that I will have to pick up myself so that I can use my health start Vouchers.

There are some things that people many not be able to eat due to personal dietary requirement however today you can back egg free cakes, use substitute for cows milk (soya), plus get gluten free etc..

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