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Charity Number 1159682

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU Back to School

Back to school, most people are thinking about nothing this week than "back to school" and already I have seen "Christmas" stock on the shelves in stores before "Halloween"   Life today seams to be about our next shop our next buy.  Even if it means buying things that we do not really need.  One thing that I am trying to teach my children in to "Eat to live" and not to "Live to eat" and to only buy thing when they really need to and not just because they think they need them or want them.  There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence but I do not want my children to become to commercialized.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU Clearing up my life

Over the last few years I have been trying to clear up my life especially after having the boys.  Now that my oldest is due to start school I am looking at doing so again and I have stated by reducing the amount of emails that I have to sort out on a daily basis.  

I know that I will not be working of a while so I have unsubscribed form any thing that could be classed as work related and have focused on only the information that may be relevant to me and my family.

I was getting so stressed out looking at jobs that I know that I could not do due to now being a full time single mum.  I am now going to look at what I can do and focus on that.

I am looking at self employment and so I am looking on how this could be achieved with in the next 18-24 months.

Friday, 3 August 2018

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU Dusting off my book shelves.

I have just started to dust off my book shelves and get out my collection of gardening books.  I am currently collecting my seeds from this years plants and I am looking at what cuttings that I can also take this year too.

I am using my "Collins" collection of book for reference and not the internet.  My collect is the following books.

  1. Flowers that grow, how to grow it. ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714651-5
  2. Trees and Shrubs that grow, how to grow it. ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714654-X
  3. Flowering Shrubs that grow, how to grow it.  ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714653-1
  4. Clematis and Climbers that grow, how to grow it.  ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714652-3
  5. Architectural Plants that grow, how to grow it.  ISBN NUMBER 0-00-714655-8
I still need to get.

  1. Kitchen Garden that grow, how to grow it.