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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP take care of YOU It is almost February 2013

I can not believe that it is almost Feb and what a busy month this will be despite it being the shortest.  There is Shove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, The beginning of Lent and Valentines day to my knowledge all in the same week.

so all of you that want yo get away with NOT buying any thing on Valentines day can do so buy saying so the day before and simply say I am giving it up for Lent.

But be careful there you know what we women are like and unless you are planning on going "40 days and 40 nights"  With out "it"  then I would not give up Valentines day for Lent.

Would you...

Monday, 28 January 2013

"Eat Well", "Shop Well" and "Save Well" to HELP January 28th 2013

My 2013 what can one really say about 2013??
We where all told that it was to be the "end of the world" last year and that was it...
Then 2013 came and how worse can this be???
I guess 1313 was a worry and I am sure that any time the number 13 used is.

But for me it is the same old, same old, you would think that I would have learned by now that life is "...."  So deal with it.

But what is it that I am to deal with??

You are born, you live and you die I know that and I can except that, no point trying to fight it.

After all no one has found the "Fountain of Youth"yet have they??
Plus on the thing that we are always told is to say "young" stay "Fit and Healthy"
Well good luck with that one when you live next to a power plant on the 13th floor of a high rise with only enough room "to swing and cat in"  and a kitchen with just a microwave.

(Please note this would not happen because NO PETS ARE ALLOWED)

saying that I do have a nook on meals that you can cook in a microwave and it is not just pizza and chips that only take "3 minutes   that gives you enough time to cook your meal during the adverts between programs unless you are watching channels without.

(Please note Most people can "Pause" the T.V. now)

So, so far what can  I say about the "New Year" 2013....

What would you say???

Any one.?.?.?